Hello, well thanks for stumbling upon this Blog. As you can tell the title of this Blog is call religion hunt. As you can imagine that this Blog is going to be about religion. Now before you get your feathers ruffled this Blog isn’t to debate the existence of God or whatever you may refer to the almighty one as. Extend this Blog is about my exploring of different religious service as a way to find what better suits me as well as what I agree with the most. Also I figure by Bloging about my search could also help someone else out there that trying to find there place in the religious communities.
The first Blog is not going to be about the hunt extend that well be my second Blog as well as others that will follow suit. No this post will be about well…me so that you have an idea as to whom I am. Right now, I am 19 and about to start my second of college at a lovely school in the UP (aka the northern half of Michigan). I was brought up in the Lutheran church apart of the Missouri Synod and was active in my church’s youth group up and till my senior year of high school. I enjoyed being involved in my church but at times I felt as if it was not really for me. I question the whole religious sometime towards the end of middle school right around conformation time. I do not know why but I did and throughout most of high school questioned minor things yet I did not really care to go out and explore (I referring to the exploring that I am doing now). At first I thought it was maybe the church I attend service on a regular bases that I did not feel right in so I attend other churches of the same faith and synod but it never seemed as if it clicked with me.
As I entered college not really knowing where I stand in the religious community but still feeling as if I should attend some place and worship the Lord. I just went where I knew a Lutheran Church that was apart of the Missouri Synod. Towards the end of the school year while attending a Easter service it dawn on me that maybe I should be out there exploring different religions while home for summer vacation in the southeast part of Michigan.
So following this post I will be posting about my official journey with trying to decide what religion that I feel the most comfortable with. One thing about this journey that I going to try to do my best with is keep an open mind but I do not know how easy that going to be coming from what probably would be seen as a close minded household. Thanks again for stumbling upon this Blog and I hope that you would come back again I the near future.
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